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Why I've picked this topic? 












         Childhood marriage. Hmm… Does this topic sound kind of irritating to you? Does it make you wonder why such thing exist in this world or does it make you careless? Well, they apply all to me. Choosing this topic was one of the most interesting and intriguing thing I’ve done yet. I never imagined about writing about a topic that is so sensitive to human nature despite the fact it happens regularly. Childhood marriage makes me wonder and visualize the world in a different perspective than I usually do. It’s kind of interesting to me to specialize myself and enhance my brain on some topic that is huge on one part of the world and means nothing to the other. Yes, I am talking about souther vs. the western. Some of us westerners probably never heard about such topic. That is why I chose to write behalf this topic. Not only make myself more familiar about this ongoing world complication but my readers as well.


          Looking deep into childhood marriage, I see myself connecting to this kind of heritage. I came from Bangladesh which is a third world country and where childhood marriage was prolonged much before I was born. Childhood marriages mostly happens on the village part of the county. I was a city kid. Even though I was a city kid, I sometime wonder would I have been in the trap of childhood marriages? I saw many of my friends getting married at a young age. It wasn;t a big deal to me back then but when now I look back at it, thousands of questions wonders around my brain. Why this? Why that? But I am unable to answer those questions myself. This was another reason why I chose to write behalf this topic. I want to be able to answer those questions myself with some necessary research.


          There’s many thing to dislike about a topic that deals with childhood marriages. But I am 110% sure there are people that see multiple things to like about this topic. Personally, I am on the list of the one’s that don’t see much beneficial pint ehind childhood marriages. Childhood marriage has the ability to cause so much harm to not only to the families that are connecting together by the marriage, but the whole nation in general. It can tear multiple future in a blimp of a second. It can destroy humanity. It can do so much more than I can say.


          To me, the most important part of this topic that I will be discussing throughout this blog post(s) is what’s the “main” reason behind childhood marriages and the complications that it follows. Those are top two reasons also why I chose this topic. Even though it’ll be one of the most sensitive and intriguing topic I will be researching about, I believe I can pull out necessary details to take this topic out of the box.

          In conclusion, main reason behind me choosing to write about this is the vague area most of us is unsure about. I want to make that area more feasible for us and make this topic happen around the world less in general. 

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